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About Us

We are a group of homeowners in the Ahwatukee Foothills community who are concerned about the way our HOA is being managed. Like many homeowners in our community, most of us paid little attention to affairs of our HOA, whose formal name is the Foothills Community Association (FCA). Beginning in early 2019, many of us were shaken out of our apathy by a series of troubling events, and we have come to the realization that the FCA has deep-seated problems. Our goal is to work towards solving these problems and strengthening our HOA by increasing the awareness and participation of the homeowners and enacting common-sense reforms.

David Randolph, Foothills homeowner since 2003

Rob Doherty, Foothills homeowner since 1997

We do not have government by the majority.

We have government by the majority who participate.

Thomas Jefferson

Our Mission

To strengthen the management of the Foothills Community Association HOA, including increasing transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the interests of the Association's members.

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

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